Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saeubrennerkirmes—Pig burning (20 Aug)

Yesterday Jessica and the kids left for the states, so now it’s just Nathan and I. I was sad to see them go . . . it’s been so fun being with them! ‘Til we meet again . . .

This morning I went on a great 6-mile run through the woods. I finally figured out how many different paths I’ve run on connected. It was my last run in Germany, and it was a good one. Then Nathan and I went to the gym on base. Afterwards we bought groceries at the commissary.

This afternoon we went to the pig fest in Wittlich, the largest, nearest city to tiny Arenrath. This pig fest is an annual festival. It was a great way for me to experience another side of Germany! We arrived right when the parade was starting. There were bands, people dressed as pigs, medieval people, and many other people all carrying wine bottles (hmmmm). There were also vegetarian protesters. Their motto: Meat is murder. Catchy.

The paraders marched to the town square where there was some sort of narration and ceremony where the firemen’s ladder raises a guy up who puts a plant on a statue of Jesus that’s on a church. I didn’t know what was behind all of this besides tradition. After that we got our pig sandwiches—a big hunk of pork in a German hard roll. I even used the German I used from Inga’s sister in Germany to “order” in German. Okay. All I said was “zwei, bitte,” (two, please) and “danke” (thank you). But that’s okay. We were only there for an hour, but our timing was perfect because we saw the parade and ceremony and then we got our pork and jetted out of there. It was a good cultural outing.

Pigs in the parade

Real pigs in the parade (they were on a trailer pulled by a tractor

Fireman climbs the ladder and puts the plant-thing on the statue. Like I said . . . it's tradition.

Waiting for my pig sandwich. The piggy pork preparers at work.

Nathan and I with our pork sandwiches

Ride that pig.

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