Sunday, July 17, 2011

A long, rainy walk (16 July)

Today we took a train out to the countryside and went on a 9-mile hike. We were out for a few hours in a true English downpour. It was hard to look up and enjoy the scenery because the rain would get in my face. But, I did get to see lots of wet stinging nettle, muddy trails, and rocks!

The only time we were out of the rain was when we ate our lunches in a warehouse on a lavender farm. Yes—there are fields of lavender here. The air smelled great!

Lunch in shed (you can see the waterline on my pants)

Field of lavender

We ended near this 12th-century church that was just tucked away off a tiny town. We sat in there for a while and then sang some hymns. We could all feel a good spirit there.

Front of church

Back of church (and blue sky!)

For the last 30 minutes, the rain stopped and the sun even came out. So the pictures with blue sky are from that 30-minute window of time. It was a well-timed sunshine because then we weren’t sopping wet for the whole ride home. 

Train ride . . . I'm smiling because I'm partially dry.

Perhaps this experience was meant to help me relate to Jane Bennett when Mrs. Bennett makes her walk to Pemberley in the rain. She got sick and had to stay there at Pemberley, under the care of Mr. Bingley. Well, I too am a bit sick, but there is no Mr. Bingley in London for me . . . and I'm still some miles from Pemberley, even though I'm in the right country.

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